Sunday, September 9, 2007

Last day at the pool

The pool at the YMCA closed for the year today, but not before it was open for the Pooch Plunge this afternoon. Have you ever seen a cartoon where the character walks into an open manhole and just disappears?
Thats pretty much the same thing that happens when Hannah walks off the edge into the pool, thinking she's walking into the shallow end. She doesn't know how to run and jump (in fact, she'd ONLY get in at the shallow-just-like-the-beach-end if she had the choice.
We'd also like to send an apology out to Abby, the small golden retriever, who was today's recipient of the "dog Hannah just can't seem to get along with" award.
In other news, Kentucky Football is 2-0, Florida is 2-0, and the showdown is October 20th. Hank, I'll send you a couple pistures of all the UK students riding the goalposts off into the sunset after the game.
I'd blog about the Bears loss today, but I think I need to calm down a little first after all the fumbling. Good grief.

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