Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I wish it would JUST snow...

Last night as we went to bed the forecast was AWESOME. We were so sure (except that Laura was unbelievably skeptical) that we'd wake up with 6+ inches of snow on the ground. Well......we got about two inches, and then the freezing rain started (about 9:00 AM). Now it's 11:30 PM and the freezing rain is still going. Here's a bit of general commentary about the whole situation:

I've chipped out the cars once today already. I'm not sure I'll do it again, because I'm not sure we're going ANYWHERE tomorrow.

The neighbor's tree (the one right next to our house) is falling piece by piece. So far the (our) house has escaped. Knock on wood. (A few more branches just fell as I worked on typing a couple of paragraphs down).

University of Kentucky, ever prudent and swift in their decision making, still has classes ON for tomorrow, even though the governor has declared a state of emergency for the whole area, and you can't really tell which part in front of our house is yard and which is street. Luckily, 2 of Laura's 3 teachers are thinking clearly and have called off class (come on #3, what's taking you so long?)

It's funny to watch the dogs splay their toes out like a cat in an effort to hang on to the deck.

I wonder if the basketball team will make it back to Lexington before they fall out of the rankings over the weekend for losing to Ole' Miss.

Yak Traks are totally worth it (see Laura's blog tomorrow morning)

I'm going sledding in the morning....no matter what. We don't own two saucer sleds for nothing.

We're out of Ale-8.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I'm Excited!!

Today Laura and I hooked up the webcam to chat with Ben, our 3 year old nephew in Nebraska. He's a smart little kid, and he really likes pirate stuff (just in case you wanted to send him anything). We really like being Aunt Laura and Uncle Pete because we can spoil the kids (see other nephew Jacob here) with all kinds of stuff that we probably couldn't justify buying for our own kid (if we had our own kid, which as if yet we do not, nor am I alluding to ANYTHING that may potentially happen at any juncture in the future....so wipe those grins off your faces).

Well, as it turns out Ben and Jacob may have to share the limelight with Bens little brother (or sister) when the end of August rolls around this year. How exciting is that! (It is exactly exciting enough to make an Uncle Pete wonder what type of Mrs. Potato head parts are out there for stocking stuffers this year....or if Lamby blankets come in pink should the need arise.) In the meantime I'll be waiting for all Jenni's videos of Ben learning to waterski this summer.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A great new way to get stuff

So, about a month ago I was loooking for a couple of CD's on Amazon, and discovered that for almost every item that Amazon sells new, you can click a link to access other sellers who are selling the item (either new or used) for MUCH less, and will ship it for whatever the standard Amazon shipping is. I've now bought several CD's, a couple seasons of "The Office", and even a video game using these "other" sellers, and have always had good success with both the quality of the items (if they're "new" they look "new" and if they're "used" they still work fine) and the speed at which they arrive (I usually try and pick a seller who lives within my general region).

I know from experience (having sold on eBay) that it's pretty easy to rip people off and make a little extra on the shipping. It's nice to be able to buy stuff used for cheap without a) having to bid and wait and bid again and wait some more and then deal with all the stupid eBay payment crap and b) not get ripped off on the shipping (since it is Amazon standardized).

Try it for your next new (or used) CD.....I think you'll like it.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

"The masses have spoken!" or "No rest for the weary".

Okay all you dedicated Queep's blog-ites, I will appease your blog thirsty appetites. Since so many (i.e. five, including my wife) are still interested in my sporadic diatribes on Kentucky Football and the like (I'm really NOT going to write about Kentucky Football anymore)....I say we shall endeavor to establish a thorough accounting of the continued adventures of Ale8 Man.

Anyways...it's the weekend, which means we're taking it easy here at Camp Crawford...or at least I thought we were when I woke up this morning. Instead we decided that Christmas was indeed over today, and we took down all the decorations. We took down the tinsel, the garland, the wrappings. We took down the tree, the cards and the trappings. We stored our Who-honkers and boxed our Who-blinkers. We threw out the left over roast beast and Who-hash. And the one speck of food that we left in the house was a crumb that was even too small for a mouse.

So the house is back to normal. As usual we cut all the branches off the tree and they are piked in the yard where we can use them to cover the gardens and protect the daffodils from their inevitable premature emergence (due to what seems to be the inevitable annual 70 degree day in mid-February).

After Christmas was down, we went to the dog park with the pooches (since Kentucky has thawed to a balmy 29 degrees) followed by lunch at Wallace Station (where we both concurred that a new ham vendor is definitely being used, resulting in thicker and poorer tasting sandwiches than we're used to from this place).

We're debating about whether to go see Slumdog Millionaire at the Kentucky Theater tonight, or go instead on a hunt for some white pillowcases (for the newly repainted guest bedroom) and a big bag of Eukanuba (for the dogs who go through it at far too rapid a pace).

I'm pooped. Maybe we'll sleep in tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Anybody still checking?

Okay, I know it's been a year and two months since I posted anything on the blog, and I'm just curious if anyone (Hank Carter) ever decides to "mosey on over here" to check for updates anymore. Therefore, if you read this post, please leave a comment (ANY comment) just so I know if anyone cares for me to resume blogging again. In the meantime, I'll be waiting for the temperature to fall below zero tonight.