Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A great new way to get stuff

So, about a month ago I was loooking for a couple of CD's on Amazon, and discovered that for almost every item that Amazon sells new, you can click a link to access other sellers who are selling the item (either new or used) for MUCH less, and will ship it for whatever the standard Amazon shipping is. I've now bought several CD's, a couple seasons of "The Office", and even a video game using these "other" sellers, and have always had good success with both the quality of the items (if they're "new" they look "new" and if they're "used" they still work fine) and the speed at which they arrive (I usually try and pick a seller who lives within my general region).

I know from experience (having sold on eBay) that it's pretty easy to rip people off and make a little extra on the shipping. It's nice to be able to buy stuff used for cheap without a) having to bid and wait and bid again and wait some more and then deal with all the stupid eBay payment crap and b) not get ripped off on the shipping (since it is Amazon standardized).

Try it for your next new (or used) CD.....I think you'll like it.


pete said...

thanks for the tip. My new "get stuff" bad habit is DealSucker.

They have 3 pages worth of stupid deals of the day, everything from ipods to running/biking/skiing gear, etc.

Tammy said...

thanks for the tips - from both Petes :)

Pocket said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! I've missed you!

I've never bought anything new from Amazon. I always jump straight to the "like new" or "other" page to find the cheapest way to get what I want as soon as I can! Bravo for good deals!