Friday, March 9, 2007

10 mile run in Kentucky....

Today was beautiful. We hit 70 degrees....yes, Lexington, so I broke out the shorts and went for my first long run of the year. Usually my runs are pretty boring, but everyone was out today, so I thought I'd publish a mile-by-mile recap of what I saw.

Mile 1:
3 of these tried to break out of their yard and chase me. Luckily the fence held fast.

Shortly afterward, one of these tried to get hit by a car:

Mile 2:
I jumped out of the way of this combination:

Mile 3:
Sadly Uneventful.

Mile 4:a couple of cool 15 year olds on one of these (not observing stop signs, correct side of the road, or right of way for pedestrians). Note: it was not a scooter built for two.

Mile 5: A little bit of this

and a little bit of that

Mile 6:
and fight over

Mile 7:
on one of these:

Mile 8:
My personal favorite. A domestic the front yard....between these two:

Mile 9:
The previously referenced scooter must have had a full tank of gas. It took one more shot at running me off the road.

Mile 10:
These three made their own attempt at a career as speed bumps.

All in all, a pretty entertaining afternoon. Just to reassure everyone: All the children narrowly escaped their dooms, I don't think Eminem and the Wendy's girl ever actually came to blows (though the local kids may have learned some potty words), and I overcame my inner demons and resisted poking a stick through the spokes of the moped as it breezed by.


jenni said...

i like the alf kid best

Tammy said...

Ok - so I do check your blog at least once a week, but now I'm considering checking it every day. You win the best blogger award Pete. Too funny. Love the picture words. It's at a level where Jacob and Ben could read along too :)

Oh - Tank says "so uh, how's the tournament going?" He's so mean.

Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

Hey.....what's wrong with being fat and wearing an Alf shirt?

Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

I can't find your email address.
I emailed Laura with my bracket manager, but you can enter your picks here.

Email me for the password!