Sunday, September 9, 2007

Training update

Just in case anyone was wondering how MY training is going for Turkentucky, last Saturday I ran three (3) mile repeats at the track: 5:37, 5:36, 5:50. Sunday was a 7-miler at a relaxed tempo. Monday I took the day off to go to the zoo. Tuesday was 8 x one minute hill repeats. Wednesday was 4.5, relaxed. Thursday was 5 miles, Friday was an off-day, and Saturday was 3.5 miles with Laura before another 5.5 on my own.

In a little (pessimistic) off-hand math, Team Crawford figures to run a combined time of 47:30 at the thoroughbred (I'm forcasting an 18:30, and I think if Laura had to do it tomorrow, she'd run about a 29:00).

If Jenni comes through in her forecast time of 24:00, Pete Carter needs to crank out about a 24:00 himself to keep the pressure on. My chief concern at the moment is whether or not Sally can get Hannah through the course before Tom can get Ben through in the stroller.


pete said...

Hmm.. i think I'll just work on finishing a 5k in an hour without passing out or having a heart attack..

Now, if you wanna talk about how much turkey I can eat in 24 minutes, that's a different story..

Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

Count me in for the turkey-eating competition!!

Laura said...

How did this become about EATING?!?!?

pete said...

Ummm... Since when is Thanksgiving NOT about eating??