Monday, February 9, 2009

Spring Fever

It it beautiful outside today. I am in my office. The next three days will be nice too. I will be in the car those days.

It is 67 degrees out there, and yet I know we've surely got a couple stretches of days in the 20's and 30's before winter is over.

All I want to do is go for a long run (but I already did that on Saturday when it was about 10 degrees cooler than now).

Is anybody else as ready for spring to spring as I am?


Tammy said...

oooohhhh yeah!!!!! today it's 81 here!!!! so ready to just sit and get sun on my face without waring 3 layers - yes we have had to do that here in SW Georgia - it's been ridiculous here lately with the cold. how is that whole power line/tree mess coming along?

jenni said...

81 sounds like summer.. wth?

It was low 70s in Ark and Ben and I really enjoyed the time we got to spend outside.. So YES we are with you

Redhead Runner said...

The trees are coming along.....and my arms are tired from the handsaw...sigh...

Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

Wow...I'm really behind on the blogs.

Sounds like the trees are a lot of fun. If the ones in our yard ever fall, we're in trouble.

81 degrees today, but don't worry, it'll be back in the 20's in the next week or so!

Redhead Runner said...

says the man with the year-round supply of shorts and gator tee's